MGT-300/R Universal RPM counter for Petrol & Diesel engines
Universal tachometer allowing to know with precision and in a very simple way the engine speed of a gasoline or diesel engine.
Also recovers engine temperature.
This tachometer can be used independently or in conjunction with a BrainBee gas/opacimeter analyzer.
Very easy to use. Simply connect the MGT-300/R to the + and 6 terminals of the battery, specify with the 3 keys on the front face if it is a 2-stroke or 4-stroke engine, if it is a 1, 2, 4, 6 8 or 12-cylinder engine, whether or not the engine rpm information comes from the magnetic probe, so that the engine rpm is displayed in real time.
The fourth button displays the engine speed or temperature.
In MGT-300/R, the information is transferred to the BrainBee gas analyzer via radio.
Available versions:
MGT-300 ST - without probe
MGT-300 R - by radio
MGT-300 BLUE - bluetooth
Note: this device has been replaced by the Mahle BrainBee MGT-300 EVO version.