Electrolyte can for descaler
Over time, the carbon residues from combustion accumulate and can cause more or less significant damage to the engine, the EGR valve or also the injection. To avoid this, some professionals / garage owners then resort to cleaning using a descaling station. The advantage of this method is that it does not require disassembly. The station continuously generates a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the air intake. This mixture is therefore the electrolyte for descaler which is discussed here.
How is it used?
This product is injected into the vehicle's air intake for 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. During the operation the engine runs at low speed (it is advisable to use protective gloves).
60 cleanings are possible
Please note: as this product is only patented for the Eccomotors brand, use on a machine from another brand is possible, but at your own risk. In no case can we be held responsible for a malfunction related to the use of this liquid.